See, the pile of books that I had stacked on the floor near my end table in January? It's gone. Which means I'm going to have to think of something to read soon because I can't just go without having a book in progress.
At the moment, I'm reading the last of my library books, Plain Truth by Jodi Picoult. I wanted to read it before, actually had it in my possession, but I never got around to reading it before it was due back at the library. But it's in my hands once again and I've actually started reading it and it isn't too bad so far.
But once I'm done? There's where the problem comes into play. The stack? It's gone. A list? I don't really have one at the moment.
The other day I was thinking, something that gets me into trouble every so often. It was morning and I was getting ready for work with The Today Show on in the background. And as I flipped my hair dryer to the off switch, I happened to hear them talking about unveiling the cover for the last Harry Potter book, Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
And that got me thinking. The last book in the series is released July 21. That's just shy of four months. I could, no take that back, I should, reread the previous 6 Harry Potter books in anticipation of the final installment's release.
So once I finish Plain Truth, it's time to begin my journey through the Harry Potter books, beginning with Harry's first year at Hogwarts, Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone. And if one of the books on my hold list happen to come in at the library, I can always take a short break from Harry's adventures.
Yep. I'll be pulling my copy of Sorcerer's Stone from my shelf soon and starting into the whole saga as well.