
Friday, March 16, 2007

And I thought once was bad

That was so not fun.

I spent my entire morning in a hospital waiting room. First, they stuck me with a needle in the arm and drew two vials of blood for testing. Then they sent me back to the waiting room, where I waited.

For. Over. An. Hour.

I had one false glimmer of hope when the buzzer thing they give (like you get in a restaurant), started flashing and vibrating. I went up to the desk and no one came. Apparently some ghost set my buzzer off because they weren't ready for me.

So I waited some more.

Finally my buzzer buzzed for real, but then they lost some paperwork. So I waited some more. Then it really was time to get escorted back into a dimly lit room where I was going to be stuck some more.

Here I thought it was just going to be one stick in the neck and I'd be done. Yeah, I was wrong. They proceeded to stick me SIX times! Once for the freezing and the other five times to collect the sample tissue. And those five times? Not just a quick stick and they were done. No, it was more like a pulsating, sawing motion. Granted, I didn't feel much, just the pressure. But still. Six times they had to stick me in the neck? Thankfully the doctor (yes, a real doctor, not just some doctor in training) who was doing the procedure knew what he was doing and it wasn't so bad.

But I wasn't ready for the soreness I'd experience afterwards. Let's just say I've been walking around with a big ole band-aid stuck on my neck and I'm fearful of the bruise I'm going to have tomorrow. Add to it that it's painful to sallow and turning my head to check traffic before changing lanes? Yeah, not so fun. But I've been keeping myself doped up on massive amounts of Tylenol and Advil in order to make it a little less painful and more tolerable.

But it's good to know I survived being stabbed in the neck six times with various needles.

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