
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Laundry, books and Jack

I have quite a lazy Sunday planned.

I'm supposed to do some laundry, because having clean clothes is a good idea. And I should vacuum, because the carpet in my apartment gets all matted and funky looking if I don't vacuum once a week.

Other than that, I may just curl up with a book this afternoon. The library has been doing a fabulous job on getting me the items I have on my hold list. Almost too fabulous in fact since I now have a stack of five books sitting by my recliner that are all due by Feb. 10 at the latest. And the new additions I picked up yesterday, Truck: A Love Story by Michael Perry and The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield are both due by the end of January, I had to revamp my reading list, moving them to the top and demoting a few others to be read later.

And it's supposed to snow, which would be wonderful, since it is winter. And being from Wisconsin, I do like snow.

But the thing I'm looking forward to the most? The return of Jack Bauer and 24. Because who doesn't like Jack Bauer? And I'm anxious to see what Day 6 has in store for him. Only 7 hours until his hectic day begins.

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