
Wednesday, December 20, 2006

The list of things to do...and nothing's crossed off

I was going to be productive on my day off.

I was planning on going to the YMCA and stepping on the treadmill to run to nowhere. I was going to wrap my Christmas presents. I was going to make a dent in the pile of books sitting by my recliner that are due back to the library in approximately 6 days. I was going to do a lot of things.

But I haven't really done anything yet.

The YMCA and the treadmill to nowhere? I really thought hard about that one. But in the end I decided it's my day off, why exercise?

The Christmas presents? Still in the shopping bags piled in my closet. But in my defense, wrapping Christmas presents is so something you do at night, in front of the lit Christmas tree with Christmas tunes playing. There's still time to get this one done.

The pile of books? Well, I guess I can say I was somewhat successful here. I finished "Babyville" and started "A Widow's Walk." That means I have a chance at getting them back to library on time without a late fee.

I did talk to an old friend and make a doctor's appointment. That and started to think about getting stuff together to roll my old 401(k) over. But then I discovered a lengthy menu of press 1 for this and 2 for that. All I want to do is talk to a real person people!

As for the rest of the afternoon, I might get ambitious and tackle my filling cabinet. It's got papers in it from health insurance stuff from two jobs ago, not very useful. But at the same time, that could end up being quite a chore. We'll see. Maybe the pile of books will call my name again.

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