
Friday, December 22, 2006

A Christmas list

I've been tagged, so I guess I'm supposed to list some stuff you may or may not know about me. Considering it's the Friday afternoon before Christmas and I still have one and half stories to write before I go home, I'm not promising anything amazing here. But I'll try.

1. At some point in my life, I've used every imaginable form of the name Jennifer. I've been Jenny W. (that was kindergarten when there were four Jennys in my morning class and another two in the afternoon class), Jenni, Jennie, Jennifer and Jen. Even now, I go by different versions. Jennifer in my professional life, Jenny or Jen by my friends and Jennifer by my family. Like I always say, I answer to anything within reason.

2. I took ballet lessons at the YMCA when I was in kindergarten. But then I broke my wrist falling off a piece of playground equipment and my mom never signed me up for lessons again. Probably a good thing. I don't think I'm quite cut out for ballet.

3. I bleed Badger red, but for a brief period in high school I seriously considered going to Marquette University. But then I found out what kind of tuition bills I would be getting and thought better of that decision. Dad's probably glad too since the campus was in one of the worst areas of Milwaukee.

4. I lived in Indiana for exactly 365 days. I moved there on Halloween and left on Halloween. I was a sportswriter, loved my job, liked my friends and hated Indiana with a passion.

5. I'm a procrastinator. Even in school, I would wait until the last minute to start writing a big paper. I'd pass it off as "preparing for my future career that will be full of deadlines."

Yeah, that's five. If you already knew them, sorry about that. If not, that's five more things you know about me now.

I'm supposed to tag some folks now. I tag Lootsfoz and whoever else feels like participating. Because I think most of the other folks who read this have already been tagged.

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